#68 The Science of Chronic Cardio (too much), Floppy Dorsal Fin Syndrome (too little), and Minimum Effective Dose (just right) - Dr Paul Batman
Dr Paul Batman is a university academic and is recognised as one of the world’s leading exercise physiologists. As co-founder of Fitness Institute Australia (FIA) and a university lecturer, Paul has trained thousands of people to become accredited in the fields of Exercise Science, Sports Coaching and Personal Training. He is a vocational educator, researcher, author, and avid fitness tragic.
“For over 40 years I had been participating in and prescribing moderate to high intensity exercise to increase fitness, improve wellbeing and lose weight. Two weeks away from climbing Mount Killimanjaro at age 65 years, my Cardiologist told me I was close to having a fatal heart attack, with one of my coronary arteries 90% blocked. I had been aware of many well-trained athletes for no apparent reason suffering a heart attack against, but I thought it would never happen to me. This diagnosis tipped my approach to exercise programming upside down.”
Listen to Paul explain chronic cardio syndrome and the loss in elasticity of endothelial lines, why Orcas in captivity suffer a floppy dorsal fin, how MET (metabolic equivalent of tasks) is transforming fitness programming and Andrew (nervously) asks Paul to assess the guidelines he and Dr Tom Buckley have just released for Level 1 Physiology Building Blocks and Level 2 Longevity and Performance.
In this podcast Andrew and Dr Paul discuss:
2:25 The change in fitness methods from 15 years ago to now
3:45 Dr Paul’s own heart attack scare and how he was in disbelief
6:15 Shifting the narrative on wellbeing and exercise programming to align with his new research
7:20 Endothelium lines and 'the widowmaker'
12:00 Exercising too much and METs (Metabolic Equivalent of Tasks)
15:00 The wrong messages about exercise going out to the public and how outsourcing your life can eventually kill you
18:00 How Dr Paul trains for treks doing housework and vacuuming (this part of the podcast should be sponsored by Dyson vacuum cleaners)
21:15 Being sedentary vs being inactive
23:30 Getting your 10,000 steps daily and why this is so important
27:15 Floppy dorsal fin syndrome and Andrew's analogy of how this plays out for unfit, inflamed middle-aged men
31:30 The problem with having too much information about exercise (over-analysis leads to paralysis)
34:00 How much sitting is too much and looking at opportunities to move
37:30 The best way to exercise during the week
42:30 Creating a tribe of active non-exercisers
44:30 Why the World Health Organisation doesn’t really work well with the fitness industry
47:30 What drives Dr Paul and longevity
49:15 Getting kids active.
52:30 Dr Paul's thoughts on Andrew's Level 1 Physiology Building Blocks.
56:00 Intermittent fasting throughout history and using temperature contrast therapy
59:00 Andrew's Level 2 Longevity and Performance, and the importance of lifting heavy weights
1:03:20 Sarcopenia and ageing
To find the resources mentioned in this episode go to: https://www.andrewmay.com/performance-intelligence-with-andrew-may/
Find Dr Paul at his LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-paul-batman-9092a052/
Or at his Website: https://www.drpaulbatman.com.au/
Find out more about Andrew's Keynotes : https://www.andrewmay.com/keynotes/
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