Walking barefoot: nature's natural de-stressor and sleep enhancer

nature Dec 09, 2019

Grounding, sometimes called earthing refers to your direct skin making contact with the surface of the Earth, such as with bare feet or hands, or some studies have used various grounding systems such as sheets, mats, wrist or ankle bands, adhesive patches that can be used inside the home or office, and footwear. These devices result in the body connected to the Earth via a cord inserted into a grounded wall outlet or attached to a ground rod placed in the soil outside below a window, or in the case of footwear, a conductive plug strategically placed in the shoe sole. But is there any evidence such grounding techniques make any difference?


A 2015 review in the Journal of Inflammation Research demonstrates the “grounding” appears to improve sleep, normalize the day-night cortisol (stress hormone) rhythm, reduce pain, reduce stress, shift the nervous system from sympathetic (stress) toward parasympathetic activation (recovery), increase heart rate variability (associated with better cardiovascular health) and up speed wound healing.


Although the exact mechanisms behind the health and wellbeing benefits of the ground are not clearly known, it is hypothesised that electrons from the Earth may act as antioxidants with zero negative secondary effects, something our bodies evolved to use over thousands of years. However, we may be losing this natural de-stress and healing benefits in recent decades since the widespread use of insulating shoes in replacement of traditional leather over the past 50 years.


Read the full research review: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/#b4-jir-8-083

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